The users should only be able to add tasks to the application if they have logged in successfully.
2. The applications must display the following welcome message: “Welcome to EasyKanban”.
3. The user should then be able to choose one of the following features from a numeric menu:
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a. Option 1) Add tasks
b. Option 2) Show report - this feature is still in development and should display the following message: “Coming Soon”.
c. Option 3) Quit
4. The application should run until the users selects quit to exit.
5. Users should define how many tasks they wish to enter when the application starts, the application should allow the user to enter only the set number of tasks.
6. Each task should contain the following information:
Task Name
The name of the task to be performed: “Add Login Feature”
Task Number
Tasks start with the number 0, this number is incremented and autogenerated as more tasks are added .
Task Description
A short description of the task, this description should not exceed 50 characters in length. The following error message should be displayed if the task description is too long:
“Please enter a task description of less than 50 characters”
“Task successfully captured” if the message description meets the requirements.
Developer Details
The first and last name of the developer assigned to the task.
Task Duration
The estimated duration of the task in hours. This number will be used for calculations and should make use of an appropriate data type.
Task ID
The system must autogenerate a TaskID which contains the first two letters of the Task Name, a colon (:), the Task Number, a colon (:) and the last three letters of the developer
1 answer
7. Once all tasks have been added, the application should display a summary report with the following information:
a. Total number of tasks entered
b. Total estimated duration of all tasks combined
c. Average estimated duration of each task