The United Nations (UN) Year Founded: ________ Current Number of Countries Involved: ____ Reason the UN exists: Main roles of the UN: 1) 2) Example of what the UN does: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Year Founded: ________ Current Number of Countries Involved: ____ Reason NATO exists: Main roles of NATO: 1) 2) Example of what NATO does: The European Union (EU) Year Founded: ________ Current Number of Countries Involved: ____ Reason the EU exists: Main roles of the EU: 1) 2) 3) Example of what the EU does: Listen to the presentations of your group members. Complete the chart below as each group member shares what they’ve learned about an International Organization. International Organizations Name:
International Organizations Name: Chart p.2 The World Bank Year Founded: ________ Current Number of Countries Involved: ____ Reason the World Bank exists: Main roles of the World Bank: 1) 2) Example of what the World Bank does: The World Heath Organization (WHO) Year Founded: ________ Current Number of Countries Involved: ____ Reason the WHO exists: Main roles of the WHO: 1) 2) Example of what the WHO does: The Red Cross and Red Crescent Year Founded: ________ Current Number of Countries Involved: ____ Reason the Red Cross/ Red Crescent exists: Main roles of the Red Cross/Red Crescent: 1) 2) 3) Example of what the Red Cross/Red Cresent
1 answer
does: Provides humanitarian aid during natural disasters and conflicts, runs blood donation services, and promotes health and safety education.