The U.S. in the 20th century has intervened in a number of places across the globe and fought several wars. What do these wars/"actions" have in common?
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There are big differences between the scope and reasons for US participation in wars (or "actions") in Korea, Iraq, Serbia, Cuba, Viet Nam, Grenada and Panama.
About the only common thread I can see is perceived US interests, US troops, weapons and casualties. The brief US (Air Force only) action by Clinton that forced Serbia to stop "ethnic cleansing' in Bosnia and Kosovo was perhaps the closest to being bloodless and justifiable by human rights considerations.
About the only common thread I can see is perceived US interests, US troops, weapons and casualties. The brief US (Air Force only) action by Clinton that forced Serbia to stop "ethnic cleansing' in Bosnia and Kosovo was perhaps the closest to being bloodless and justifiable by human rights considerations.