the transhistorical links to the artwork.... not quite sure what I am supposed to be describing here.

4 answers

No wonder you don't know. I checked "transhistorical" in a standard online dictionary and in my unabridged dictionary. It is not in either.

However, a Google search found the following definition.
Yep still not getting it. Thank you for that definition though. Gonna keep trying to figure it out. If you find anything else please share. (smile)
As I understand "transhistorical," you need to describe the artwork as it relates to art throughout history. What ancient Greek, Roman, Renaissance, etc. elements are present in this artwork?
Hi Jessica,
Here are some characteristics to look for when trying to determine the transhistorical links to a piece of artwork.
* How art and culture from previous civilizations influenced this piece
* How the piece is related to artwork within the same civilization
* How the piece still has meaning and value in modern-day cultures.