The tragic (and the dramatic)-it is said- are universal. At a distance of centuries we still grieve at the tribulations of Oedipus and Orestes, and even without sharing the ideology of Homais we are distressed by the tragedy of Emma Bovady. The comic, on the other hand, seems bound to its time, society, cultural anthropology. We understand the drama of the ototwgonist of Rashomon, but we don’t understand when and why the Japanese laugh. It is an effort to find Aristophanes comic, and it takes more culture to laugh at Rabelais than it does to week at the death of the paladin Orlando.

1) Which of the following would the author consider most difficult for a modern American to find humorous?
A. A farcical musical about animals who talk
B. A comic film about gangsters set in Chicago
C. A funny movie with a tragic ending
D. A satirical poem written in 16th-century China

2) The “effort” (line 11) to which the author refers is a task that requires which of the following?
A. Great planning
B. The work of more than one person
C. Overcoming cultural obstacles
D. A great many natural resources

Is 1 D and 2 B?

3 answers

Drama of the protagonist**
1 D - yes
and 2 B - no
1; D
2; C