1. Nitrogen Fixation: Nitrogen gas in the atmosphere is converted into ammonium (NH4+) or nitrate (NO3-) ions by nitrogen-fixing bacteria. This process can also occur through lightning strikes.
2. Nitrification: The ammonium ions produced in the previous step are converted into nitrates (NO3-) by nitrifying bacteria. This conversion occurs in two steps: first, ammonium ions are oxidized to nitrites (NO2-) by nitrosomonas bacteria, and then nitrites are further oxidized to nitrates by nitrobacter bacteria.
3. Denitrification: Nitrates in the soil are converted back into nitrogen gas by denitrifying bacteria. This occurs under low-oxygen or anaerobic conditions, and the nitrogen gas is released back into the atmosphere, completing the nitrogen cycle.
The three steps of nitrogen nitrogen cycle in order, starting with nitrogen, gas in the atmosphere are
2 answers
nitrification, nitrogen fixation, and denitrification.