Supports the personality of the Tailor's Wife: The first quote suggests that the Tailor's Wife is always seeking knowledge and trying to make sense of things, which aligns with her character as someone who comes up with her own theories and explanations for things based on her observations and experiences.
Does not support the personality of the Tailor's Wife: The second quote seems to suggest that the Tailor's Wife may jump to conclusions without solid evidence, as she is described as "racking her brains" to come up with a plausible explanation. This could indicate a tendency towards making assumptions rather than logical reasoning, which may not fully align with the idea of being wise through seeking knowledge.
"The thirst for knowledge makes even the ignorant wise." "On the basis of her experience, however, and by racking her brains she finally came up with a plausible explanation: either husband or wife must have some physiological deficiency. Otherwise no one would marry someone a whole head taller or shorter." Supports the personality of the Tailor's Wife Does not support the personality of the Tailor's Wife
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