third root of 3 = 1.44224957
square root of 9 = 3*+3&aq=f&aqi=h1&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=C_10DyA4JTLaaE5LmygT9kKD3BgAAAKoEBU_QcxhI
the third root of 3, times the square root of 9
3 answers
The Third Root of 3 = 3^1/3 The square root of nine= 3^2
3^1/3 x 3^2=
3^2 1/3
3^1/3 x 3^2=
3^2 1/3
i thnk it is 3.441738822 and to 1d.p it will be 3.4