Your instructions are clear:
What does this statement mean to YOU?
Do YOU agree that humans are creatures as well as creators of
their personal and social worlds?
Explain your answer.
We'll be glad to comment on YOUR answers.
The text states that the most significant contribution
positive psychology makes to the scientific study of well-being is the assessment of
specific strengths. The text summarizes positive psychology as being aware that humans
are both creatures and creators of their personal and social worlds. What does this
statement mean to you? Do you agree that humans are creatures as well as creators of
their personal and social worlds? Explain your answer.
2 answers
do agree that humans are both creators and creatures of their personal and social worlds. Humans are capable of changing and choosing what they pursue and how hard they attempt to pursue things. Humans can, to some degree, control what they pursue in life and the means by which they achieve goals; thus, humans create environments where they will be successful or be more likely to fail depending on their choices, changes, and control.
Humans are creatures of the world as a result of biological factors that are encoded in one's genes and past experiences which shape one's mental and physical behaviors. Present external factors also influence one's life as we make judgment choices and changes to gain control in a way that promotes one's personal well-being.
Humans are creatures of the world as a result of biological factors that are encoded in one's genes and past experiences which shape one's mental and physical behaviors. Present external factors also influence one's life as we make judgment choices and changes to gain control in a way that promotes one's personal well-being.