The temperature, C, in degrees celsiud recorded by A city parks weather station between midnight and 7:00a.m. could be repredented ad A linear function of the number of hours after midnight, t, the temperature at 1:30a.m was -4.2°c and was -8.2°c at 7:00a.m which equation could be used to represent this fraction?
A: C(t)=-1.25t+-8.6
B: C(t)=-1.25t-4.2
C: C(t)=-0.8t-4.2
D: C(t)=-0.8t-3
2 answers
Would it be a or b? It late and I've never done this before😔, I don't know what to do, but I think I got it down to a or b, but I don't know what is is. Please help!
C = at+b
Use the two data points and you have
1.5a + b = -4.2
7.0a + b = -8.2
5.5a = -4
a = -0.727
So b = -3.1
So I get C(t) = -0.7t - 3.1
I suspect a typo.
Use the two data points and you have
1.5a + b = -4.2
7.0a + b = -8.2
5.5a = -4
a = -0.727
So b = -3.1
So I get C(t) = -0.7t - 3.1
I suspect a typo.