Barbie, Ricardo -- please use the same name when you post in this forum.
The answer is not e.
What is the first goal he mentions to create a prosperous America?
the task of economic policy is to created a prosperous america.the unfinished task of prosperous americans is to build a great society. our accomplishments have been mamy; these tasks remain unfinished:> to achieve full employment without inflaction;>to restore external equillibrium and defend the dolla;>to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of our private and public economies;> to widen the benefits of prosperity;> to improve the quality of american life- lyndon b. johnson former president lyndon felt that the most important first step in the war against poverty is
a) a sound dollar
b) efficiency in government
c) full employment
d) our natural defense
e) private and public economics
well i think the answer is e
2 answers
I believe the answer would be b.