the task of economic policy is to create a prosperous america.the unifinshed task of the prosperous americans is to build a great society.these tasks remain unfinished:to achieve full employment without inflation-to enhance the effciency and flexibility of our private and public economies-to restore external equlibrium and defend the dollar-lydson b.johnson .the speech implies that americas prosperity

A)is at its peak
b)is threatend
c)must be broadend
d)must be retained
e)threatened johnsons war aginst poverty

3 answers

It's hard for me to read your paragraph without appropriate capitalization and spacing. Here's how I see it broken down by sentences.

The unfinished task of the prosperous Americans is to build a great society.

These tasks remain unfinished:

- to achieve full employment without inflation
- to enhance the efficiency and flexibility of our private and public economies
- to restore external equilibrium and defend the dollar

Seeing your question broken down like above, what do YOU think is the best answer?

If you post your answer, we'll be glad to check it.
i think the answer is c
You're right! :-)