The table labeled “Brooklyn Precinct Activity Measures” shows counts of different indicators from the June 1999 Compstat report. All data are totals for the period January 1, 1999, through June 20, 1999. Notice, in the key to this table, that some indicators are based on people as units, while others are based on incidents. The column labeled “Summonses” shows people charged with certain minor criminal offenses, popularly referred to as quality-of-life crimes.

As the descriptive statistics for this table show, quite a lot of variation exists among these 13 Brooklyn precincts. This is more true for certain measures—notably, gun arrests—than for others, such as domestic violence incident reports.

Let's suppose that you are the chief researcher for this research project. You got the result just like Table 1 in the below. You want to put your finding in a report. Write a report with a minimum length of 250 words which is based on the Table 1. You want to describe distribution of different types of crime across 13 police precincts. In other words, which precinct is more vulnerable for which type of crime than other precincts, vice versa. Also, regardless of precinct, overall which crime is more common than others in New York City, and which statistics (e.g., median, mean, range, or standard deviation) lead you to make such a conclusion? You can put anything else, if you believe it is an important finding.

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