The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed by Elisa Oh and Don’t Count Your Chickens by Diana Conway

Three-Paragraph Literary Analysis Essay:

7 answers

No one will write your assignment for you, but someone may be able to check it if you post what you write.
i have the first Paragraph 1 i need help with the Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3
Paragraph 1- The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed by Elisa. Oh and Don’t Count Your Chickens by Diana Conway.The characters in Swallow and the Pumpkinseed are two brothers, one is named Heung Bu and the other is Nol Bu. Oh and Don’t Count Your Chickens by Diana Conway. The characters in Oh and Don’t Count Your Chickens have three brothers, Juancho is the youngest, Fulano Is the oldest, and Mengano is the second oldest brother.
Are these poems or short stories or what?

What is your assignment for these two works? Compare and contrast? Analyzing characters? Or what?
sooo umm
Nobody is going to write an entire essay for you, but like Anon said we'll be able to check what you wrote.
Please let us know the details of your assignment and what your teacher or professor is expecting from your analysis so we can assist you better.