The Sumerians were the first to employ the pyramid-shaped ______________________ for use in religious structures.
(2 points)
ziggurat megalith scale registers
7 answers
The correct answer is "ziggurat".
Scenes with figures, in Egyptian art, were arranged in horizontal rows called___________________.
(2 points)
proportions megalith registers points of view
(2 points)
proportions megalith registers points of view
The correct answer is "registers".
When depicting the human body on a two-dimensional surface, artist used different ____________________ to show each part of the body in its most complete form.
(2 points)
registers points of view scale proportions
(2 points)
registers points of view scale proportions
The correct answer is "proportions".
_____________________________brought peace and prosperity to his people and was the subject of many of that culture’s statuary. He was often depicted wearing the Persian lamb fur cap of Enis.
(2 points)
Ramesses II Hammurabi Hatshepsut Gudea of Lagash
(2 points)
Ramesses II Hammurabi Hatshepsut Gudea of Lagash
The correct answer is "Hammurabi".