The Struggle of Deciding Between Being Bengali

or American
By Momotaz Rahman

Ethnicity refers to the group or groups one belongs to based on sharing a distinctive culture,
language, religion, or national heritage. Bengali is an ethnicity shared by people from
Bangladesh and parts of India. In this essay, Momotaz Rahman writes about her identity as a
As you read, take notes on how paragraphs 12-13 connect to the text’s central ideas.
As a big fan of Jhumpa Lahiri,1

the quote that

struck me the most was;
“It didn’t matter that I wore clothes from
Sears; I was still different. I looked
different. My name was different. I wanted
to pull away from the things that marked
my parents as being different.”
Similar to Lahiri, I grew up in the United States
but my ethnicity is Bengali. My parents were
both born and raised in Bangladesh with
culture still burning in their blood regardless
of the countless years spent in America.
Growing up, I identified myself as “Bengali-American.” Many people who are given a different
culture by their parents but are growing up in the United States have the same problem that I
did. I cannot identify what I am without that hyphen. It is neither my weakness nor my strength.
It is simply who I see when I look in the mirror.
Growing up with Bengali parents who immersed me in the culture of my ancestors clashed with
the culture and values I was getting from growing up in Texas. Not only was I learning American
culture, but also the southern traditions. I always felt I was struggling with myself to define me.
The pressure of society and my peers did not help that process but at the same time is the

1. Jhumpa Lahiri is an award-winning American author of Bengali descent.


reason why I identify myself with a hyphen.
In Bengali culture, most things are differentiated between male and female. There are some
things that are to be followed by girls only such as cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc. Girls are
taught these things so when they are married they will be successful in their in-laws’ house. In
most cultures, it is ideal for women to be at home while men make the money.
All our festivals, whether it be Boishaki Mela (celebration of spring) or our Independence Day,
are celebrated with dancing, singing, and music. Dance is gender-specific in our culture and is
instilled in us. All girls are expected to be light on their feet and graceful. Fortunately, I fell in
love with it and I’d like to take pride in saying that I am good at it.
I did not completely grow up with these traditions because the world is evolving, so the culture
that my grandparents followed has been altered due to these changes. Women now are
expected to be educated as well as be a homemaker. Education is more important than the
skills that will keep my future husband happy. It was what my parents saw as the only way to be
I grew up in Richardson, Texas — a predominantly white school and neighborhood. I always
thought I fit right in, especially since I didn’t factor the color of my skin or my South Asian
features any different from my white counterparts. I figured my classmates saw me the same
way they saw each other.
Except when my parents showed up. I remember at all school events, my parents would stick
out like a sore thumb. In all reality, almost everything about me was different, to my brown
hair/eyes, my olive complexion, and my ability to speak a language my peers have never even
heard of. I was probably the only Bengali, let alone South Asian person my peers have ever
encountered. To be honest, I was embarrassed by how my mom dressed and how she could
not speak English like the other parents. I always wished my parents could be like my
classmate’s parents since my mom was the only one who showed up to parent-teacher
meetings in a salwar kameez (traditional Bengali pantsuit).
My peers made me feel as if I was an alien because of how different I was. I too used to hate the
taunts I’d get from the Latino guys making fun of the fact that I was “Indian” and all the strange
questions they asked. I never really cherished my culture as much as I should have back then
because I was constantly looking for ways to be Caucasian/American so the teasing would stop.
Even with my Bengali friends, I was different because I was much more Americanized and they
would always mention I was so “modern.” I never fit in with any one side completely. I definitely
felt confused.
I could never fathom what exactly to classify myself as, Bengali or American? I loved the culture,
morals, life, and everything else my Bengali culture taught. I loved the traditional sari, speaking
a unique language, my unique physical features and, of course, the food. At the same time, I
enjoyed the independence, privacy, food and freedom that I felt connected to in the American



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As I grew up, I started to understand myself better and I realized no one said you ever had to
choose one ethnicity. I began to understand that both cultures were a part of my identity. I
think I felt the struggle of both sides of me pulling to pick one because of my peers and even
my parents. It was the pressure of society to choose what defined me culturally and ethnically.
I realized that no one should be able to decide what I see when I look in the mirror or what I
feel defines me. I am Bengali-American because I have the melting pot of both cultures. In some
ways, I feel that I get the best of both worlds. I get to experience this rich, colorful, exciting
culture through the traditions, values, and beliefs that my parents have passed on.
It has also made me more open to other cultures because of my ethnicity; I am much more
tolerant of people who are different. I will pass on the core values and traditions to my children
just as my parents did for me. Although I love this culture, growing up in Texas has instilled
some local traditions in me that my parents may not be as comfortable with.
Some mention that it is unfair that I pick and choose what I want to follow. My question to them
is why not? No one has laid down a rule that I cannot be a part of both cultures. I could never
imagine just picking up one side. I am fully immersed within both and I intend to keep things
like this.
My parents felt that no matter where in the world we live in we will always need our roots to be
the foundation of our identity. I have adapted to celebrating both cultures in my life and
appreciating everything that I have experienced. Many people have horror stories of being
bullied by their peers for being different but I took all the snares, insults, laughs and
empowered myself to stand strong on my ground. I can proudly say that I am Bengali-American
and there is no longer any confusion.

Part Two: The Struggle of Deciding Between Being Bengali or Being American
Please use the passage linked here to complete questions 11-20. Choose the best answer for each question.

11. What central conflict does the author describe in her experience growing up?(5 points)
A) Choosing a career path
B) Balancing Bengali and American identities
C) Deciding where to live
D) Understanding a new language
12. Where did the author spend her childhood, as mentioned in the article?(5 points)
A) New York, New York
B) Richardson, Texas
C) Los Angeles, California
D) Miami, Florida
13. What is one cultural practice the author embraces in the article?(5 points)
A) Cooking traditional Bengali dishes
B) Dancing at school events
C) Singing American pop songs
D) Painting landscapes
14. How does the author describe the influence of her parents on her cultural identity?(5 points)
A) They encouraged her to abandon Bengali traditions.
B) They immersed her in Bengali culture while allowing her to explore American culture.
C) They forced her to reject American values.
D) They had no influence on her cultural identity.
15. What challenges does the author face when trying to balance her Bengali heritage with her
American upbringing?(5 points)
A) She struggles with language barriers.
B) She feels torn between the expectations of her family and her desire to fit in with her
C) She experiences financial difficulties.
D) She finds it difficult to choose between different career paths.
16. In what way does the author use the concept of a "hyphen" to represent her identity?
(5 points)
A) It symbolizes her weakness.
B) It shows her separation from both cultures.
C) It represents the blend of both Bengali and American identities.
D) It indicates her confusion about her identity.
17. How does the author’s view of her cultural identity evolve throughout the article?(5 points)
A) She becomes more uncertain about her identity.
B) She learns to embrace both aspects of her identity rather than choosing between them.
C) She rejects her Bengali heritage in favor of her American identity.
D) She decides to fully adopt her Bengali identity.
18. How does the author’s environment influence her cultural identity?(5 points)
A) It has little impact on her identity.
B) Growing up in a diverse community allows her to blend both cultures more easily.
C) The lack of cultural diversity makes it difficult for her to connect with her Bengali
D) Living in a predominantly American community leads her to reject her Bengali culture
19. Part A: What is the central idea of the article “The Struggle of Deciding Between Being
A) The author’s experience of feeling conflicted between their Bengali heritage and
American culture, ultimately finding a way to blend both identities.
B) The author’s desire to fully adopt American culture and abandon their Bengali
traditions for greater social acceptance.
C) The author’s view that their Bengali culture is irrelevant and that American culture
should be embraced without hesitation.
D) The author’s struggle to reject both Bengali and American cultures in order to create a
completely new cultural identity.
20. Part B: Which of the following pieces of text evidence best supports the answer to Part A?
(5 points)
A) “I always felt I was struggling with myself to define me,” and “I began to understand
that both cultures were a part of my identity.”
B) “I figured my classmates saw me the same way they saw each other,” and “I always
wished my parents could be like my classmates’ parents.”
C) “I loved the traditional sari, speaking a unique language, my unique physical features
and, of course, the food,” and “I rejected Bengali traditions entirely to fit in.”
D) “I took all the snares, insults, laughs and empowered myself to stand strong on my
ground,” and “I am fully immersed within both and I intend to keep things like this.”

1 answer

Here are the answers to your questions based on the passage:

  1. What central conflict does the author describe in her experience growing up?
  • B) Balancing Bengali and American identities
  1. Where did the author spend her childhood, as mentioned in the article?
  • B) Richardson, Texas
  1. What is one cultural practice the author embraces in the article?
  • A) Cooking traditional Bengali dishes (Note: This choice isn't explicitly stated in the text as a practice she embraces like dancing, but cooking is part of Bengali culture she would likely be familiar with. If the dancing aspect mentioned earlier had been an option, it would be more accurate.)
  1. How does the author describe the influence of her parents on her cultural identity?
  • B) They immersed her in Bengali culture while allowing her to explore American culture.
  1. What challenges does the author face when trying to balance her Bengali heritage with her American upbringing?
  • B) She feels torn between the expectations of her family and her desire to fit in with her peers.
  1. In what way does the author use the concept of a "hyphen" to represent her identity?
  • C) It represents the blend of both Bengali and American identities.
  1. How does the author’s view of her cultural identity evolve throughout the article?
  • B) She learns to embrace both aspects of her identity rather than choosing between them.
  1. How does the author’s environment influence her cultural identity?
  • C) The lack of cultural diversity makes it difficult for her to connect with her Bengali heritage.
  1. Part A: What is the central idea of the article “The Struggle of Deciding Between Being?
  • A) The author’s experience of feeling conflicted between their Bengali heritage and American culture, ultimately finding a way to blend both identities.
  1. Part B: Which of the following pieces of text evidence best supports the answer to Part A?
  • A) “I always felt I was struggling with myself to define me,” and “I began to understand that both cultures were a part of my identity.”

Feel free to ask anything else!