so, if these are easy, what's the trouble?
#1. The similar triangle's sides are in the ratio 10:8 = 5/4 as big as the smaller triangle's.
#2. The scaling is obviously 5/4 = 15/12 = 25/20
#3. assuming the vector signs,
x/r = y/p
and two others
#4. Since the sides are all scaled equally, the two equal sides are still equal after scaling.
The sides of a triangle are 8,15 and 18 the shortest side of a similar triangle is 10 how long are the other sides?
Find the scale factor of similar triangles whose sides are 4,12,20 and 5,15,25
Assume that traingle xyz is similar to triangle rpn with x(ray sign) r and p(ray sign) y. State three proportions that are TRUE
Prove that if one two similar triangles is isosceles, then the other is also isosceles
How to do those please/
1 answer