The Sentosa High School's telephone number is an eight digit number. The sum of the two numbers formed from the first three digits and the last five digits respectively 66558. The sum of two numbers formed from the first five digits and the last three digits is 65577. Find the telephone number of the Senthosa High School.

4 answers

How did you get the answer?
Let's the phone number is xabycdef. Because we have to sum two pairs of 5-digits and 3-digits number. So it can conducted that x=6 and y=6. We have:
6cdef 6ab6c
6ab def
------- --------
66558 65577
From the first sum, d + 6 = ..5 => c + 1 = 6 => c=5
From the last digits in second sum: c + f = 5 + f = 7 => f = 2
Similarly, f + b = 8 => b=6
From the second sum: b + d = ..5 => a + 1 = 5 => a = 4
Go further, you will find the phone number is 64665912
hey, d and e = ?