The school photography club charges $10 for each photo in its

annual pet photo contest. The club wants to save $75 of its earnings
for a pizza party. The club members also want to have at least
$50 left over after the pizza party to pay for other club expenses.
Write an expression for:
a. how much money the club earns by taking p pet photos

b. the difference between the amount the club earns and the
amount for the pizza party

c. Now write a two-step inequality for finding the smallest number of
photographs that need to be made to pay for the club’s pizza party
and have at least $50 left over to pay club expenses.

12 answers

Here are my answers (i don't think they're right)
A: 10p
B: 10p - 75
C: 10p - 75 (greater than or equal to) 50
all your answers are correct. C could be written better online as

10p-75 >= 50
A) how much money the club earns by taking p pet photos. 10p

B) the difference between the amount the club earns and the amount for the pizza party. 10p-75

C) Now write two-step inequality for finding the smallest number of photographs that need to be made to pay for the club's pizza party and have at least $50 left over to pay club expenses.
10p-75 is greater than 50
It’s hard
I don’t think it’s possible
I'm pretty sure the answer is 10p+75>=50. The reason why is because
10p-75>=50. When you solve the inequality the answer you get would be in the negatives. This means that they are losing money instead of gaining, which is why I think 10p+75>=50 is correct because it would go into the positives. (sorry this is probably already too late)
Thank you so much, I really don't like algebra and I actually came here to see if it could help me. Tomorrow I'll find out ( or next week ) thanks again!✌️☺️
lets goooooooo (its corect)