The scatter plot shows which type of association?

(1 point)

Positive Linear
Positive Linear

Negative Linear
Negative Linear


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2 answers

To determine the type of association depicted in a scatter plot, you would typically look at the direction and pattern of the data points. Since I can't see the scatter plot, I can describe the common types of associations:

  1. Positive Linear: If the points trend upward from left to right, they demonstrate a direct relationship, where an increase in one variable corresponds to an increase in the other.

  2. Negative Linear: If the points trend downward from left to right, they show an inverse relationship, where an increase in one variable corresponds to a decrease in the other.

  3. Exponential: If the points curve upwards (or downwards) in a way that suggests rapid growth (or decay), they may indicate an exponential relationship.

  4. None: If the points are scattered randomly with no discernible pattern, this would indicate no association.

Based on your description, you would need to choose the type of association that best matches the pattern of points on your scatter plot.

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