The scatter plot shows tthe number of fliers mailed out in a month (in thousands) and the number of new customers small businesses had in that same month:

A scatter plot is shown. Data points are located at 1 and 10, 2 and 20, 2.4 and 27, 3.18 and 31.2, 4.16 and 31.8, 5 and 50, 10 and 90, 8 and 80, 7 and 60.
What will most likely be the effect on the number of new customers that a small business has if the number of fliers the business sends increases? (4 points)

The number of new customers will decrease because the graph shows a negative association.

The number of new customers will increase because the graph shows a positive association.

The number of new customers will increase because the graph shows a negative association.

The number of new customers will decrease because the graph shows a positive association.

1 answer

The number of new customers will increase because the graph shows a positive association.