Based on the context and typical interpretations of scatter plots and lines of best fit, here are the correct statements:
- A reasonable prediction SAT score of 2100 is a GPA of 3.5.
- A reasonable prediction SAT score of 1700 is a GPA of 3.0.
- The line of best fit can be used to make predictions of GPA based on SAT score.
- The line of best fit gives the best approximation of the association between SAT score and GPA.
The other statements are likely incorrect:
- "The line of best fit shows that the combined SAT Score and first semester SAT have a negative correlation." - This would generally not be true if we expect a positive association between higher SAT scores and higher GPAs.
- "This is not an accurate line of best fit because it doesn't hit the lowest point." - A line of best fit does not have to hit the lowest point; its purpose is to minimize the distance from itself to all points, not necessarily to pass through any specific points.
Make sure to confirm this analysis with the specific information provided in your scatter plot.