The scatter plot shows the high temperature for one day and the number of coats in the theater coat check on that same day:

A scatter plot is shown. The x-axis is labeled High temperature in degrees. The y-axis is labeled Number of coats in coat check. Data points are located at 1.3 and 27, 10 and 25, 19 and 24, 21 and 21, 30 and 21, 40 and 17, 48 and 14, 58 and 13, 70 and 9, 75 and 5.5, 60 and 10.

What will most likely be the effect on the number of coats in the coat check if the temperature decreases?

1 answer

Based on the data shown in the scatter plot, it can be observed that as the high temperature decreases, the number of coats in the coat check tends to increase. Therefore, if the temperature decreases, it is likely that the number of coats in the coat check will increase.