The scatter plot shows how many pages of a novel each of 8 students read and how much time they spent reading.
A graph for Time vs Number of Pages Read is shown whose horizontal axis is labeled as Time left parenthesis minutes right parenthesis and the vertical axis is labeled as Number of Pages Read. The values on the horizontal axis range from 0 to 40 in increments of 10 and the values on the vertical axis range from 0 to 40 in increments of 10. Eight points are marked on the graph. A point is marked just below (20, 15), a point is marked just above (25, 17.5), a point is marked just above (30, 17.5), a point is marked just to the left of (32.5, 20), a point is marked at (35, 20), a point is marked just at (35, 25), a point is marked just to the right of (37.5, 30), and a point is marked just above (40, 27.5).
What is the meaning of the point
Is the association between time and number of pages read positive or negative? State the association in terms of the variables.
please help
5 answers
Since you are told that you have "A graph for Time vs Number of Pages Read" the point (35,25) means if you read 35 pages, it takes 25 minutes.
better review what it means to label the axes.