The scatter plot represents the advertised horsepower ratings and expected

gas mileage for several 2007 vehicles as reported by Kelly Blue Book.
The correlation coefficient, r, for this data has a value of -0.8687. How could the value of r be interpreted in terms of the data?

There is a strong and positive linear association between horsepower and gas mileage.
There is a strong and positive linear association between horsepower and gas mileage.

There is a strong and negative linear association between horsepower and gas mileage.
There is a strong and negative linear association between horsepower and gas mileage.

There is a weak and positive linear association between horsepower and gas mileage.
There is a weak and positive linear association between horsepower and gas mileage.

There is a weak and negative linear association between horsepower and gas mileage

1 answer

The correct interpretation of the correlation coefficient \( r = -0.8687 \) is:

There is a strong and negative linear association between horsepower and gas mileage.

This is because a correlation coefficient close to -1 indicates a strong negative relationship, meaning that as one variable (horsepower) increases, the other variable (gas mileage) tends to decrease.