The scatter plot below shows the test scores of a group of students who played games online for different amounts of time in a day:

A scatter plot is shown. The x axis is labeled Hours spent playing games online. The y axis is labeled Test score. Data points are located at 0.1 and 99, 0.5 and 97, 0.7 and 89, 1.5 and 85, 2 and 75, 2.5 and 70, 2.75 and 78, 3.2 and 62, 3.5 and 52, 3.6 and 75, 4.2 and 52, 5.6 and 40, 6 and 75, 7.2 and 38, 8 and 33.
What will most likely be the effect on the test score of a student if the number of hours he/she plays games online increases? (4 points)

Test score will decrease because the graph shows negative association

Test score will increase because the graph shows positive association

Test score will increase because the graph shows negative association

Test score will decrease because the graph shows positive association

1 answer

Test score will decrease because the graph shows negative association.