The scatter plot below shows the population of a village (P) over time (t). Describe the relationship between the population of the village and time.

A graph is shown with P-axis as vertical and t-axis as horizontal. The P-axis ranges from 0 to 5000 in increments of 1000. The t-axis ranges from 0 to 10 in increments of 2.• Six points labeled at the following:
• Left-parenthesis 1 comma 2990 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 2 comma 3200 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 3.9 comma 3100 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 4 comma 3000 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 4.9 comma 3050 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 6 comma 3000 right-parenthesis
(1 point)

The population remains roughly the same over time.
The population remains roughly the same over time.

The population is increasing over time.
The population is increasing over time.

The population is decreasing over time.
The population is decreasing over time.

none of these

3 answers

The relationship between the population of the village and time in the scatter plot appears to be relatively stable, with some minor fluctuations. The population does not show a clear trend of increasing or decreasing steadily over time.
The scatter plot below shows the population of a village (P) over time (t). Describe the relationship between the population of the village and time.
A graph is shown with P-axis as vertical and t-axis as horizontal. The P-axis ranges from 0 to 5000 in increments of 1000. The t-axis ranges from 0 to 10 in increments of 2.• Six points labeled at the following:
• Left-parenthesis 1 comma 2990 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 2 comma 3200 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 3.9 comma 3100 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 4 comma 3000 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 4.9 comma 3050 right-parenthesis
• Left-parenthesis 6 comma 3000 right-parenthesis
(1 point)

The population remains roughly the same over time.
The population remains roughly the same over time.

The population is increasing over time.
The population is increasing over time.

The population is decreasing over time.
The population is decreasing over time.

none of these
Based on the scatter plot data provided, it seems like the population of the village fluctuates but does not show a clear increasing or decreasing trend. The population is not remaining roughly the same either. So, the best description of the relationship between the population of the village and time in this case would be: none of these options accurately describes the relationship.