The Rolling Scones Bakery has been struggling to remain profitable in the face of the rising costs of ingredients. One manager, Duncan Hines, has cut costs by reducing staff, on hand inventory, and marketing campaigns. He is measuring and monitoring the results and directing employees’ tasks based upon how they impact financial performance to try to remain profitable. Another manager, Ginger Breadman, is working with the remaining employees to generate higher margin products, cost cutting ideas and free or inexpensive ways to attract new customers to help protect their jobs. She is as transparent as she can be with what is happening, and makes sure to thank and genuinely recognize and connect with subordinates.
Is duncan a manager or a leader?
1 answer
Based on the information provided, Duncan Hines can be considered more of a manager than a leader. He is primarily focused on cost-cutting measures, monitoring financial performance, and directing employees' tasks to improve profitability. There is no mention of him inspiring, motivating, or developing his team, which are characteristics commonly associated with leadership.