The research proposal should include a preliminary framework of the chapters of the research report. Identify and list any relevant examples of chapter layout

1 answer

1. Introduction: This chapter outlines the background, significance, and objectives of the research. It provides a literature review to establish the existing knowledge and gaps in the field. An example layout could be:

- Background and context
- Research problem statement
- Objectives
- Significance and rationale
- Literature review

2. Theoretical Framework: In this chapter, the researcher presents the theoretical foundations of the study. This could include relevant theories, concepts, or models that will guide the research. An example layout could be:

- Introduction to theoretical framework
- Overview of relevant theories/models
- Explanation of the chosen theory/model
- Linking the theory/model to research objectives

3. Research Methodology: This chapter explains the methodological choices made in the research, including the research design, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. An example layout could be:

- Introduction to research methodology
- Research design and approach
- Data collection methods
- Data analysis techniques
- Ethical considerations

4. Findings: This chapter presents the findings of the research, organized based on the research objectives or research questions. An example layout could be:

- Introduction to findings
- Findings related to objective/question 1
- Findings related to objective/question 2
- Findings related to objective/question 3

5. Discussion: In this chapter, the researcher analyzes and interprets the findings within the context of the research objectives and existing literature. An example layout could be:

- Introduction to discussion
- Comparison of findings with existing literature
- Explanation of the implications and significance of findings
- Limitations and recommendations for future research

6. Conclusion: This chapter summarizes the main findings, highlights the contributions to the field, and provides recommendations for further research or practical applications. An example layout could be:

- Recap of research objectives
- Summary of findings
- Contributions to the field
- Recommendations

7. References: This chapter lists all the sources cited in the research report, following a specific referencing style (e.g., APA or MLA).

Note: The actual chapter titles and contents may vary depending on the specific research topic and discipline. It is important to review relevant research articles or consult with your supervisor for guidance on the appropriate chapter layout.