The relative pronoun "that" is used with an essential clause and the relative pronoun "which" is used with a nonessential clause. In three to five sentences, explain when to use each pronoun and the difference between the two relative clauses.

12 answers

Study this — — to learn the difference between essential and nonessential clauses. Then post what you write, and I'll check your work.
I have this on a test can someone help me asap?!
why not
OK poggers dont friken be like that dude thats horrible if you dont have the answer than leave this is a place to help people and i hate people like you so either get OFF or stop being a friken MEAN PERSON!!!!!!!!! omg yall make me so mad. oh and not a hydro flask i will help you hold on though
umm yea sure u guys well anyway the answer (or at least what I wrote) is

"which" should be used when there is a statement the sentence couldn do without, such as "Bob said that the wart, WHICH had been bothering him for years, had to be removed.". Next, "that" which is used in essential clauses or clauses that the sentence can't do without.

pls do whatever with this masterpiece, also RESPEC to the teachers I mean c'mon I don't even think they get paid (prob not true).
Alr leave poggers alone you aint like what they said get tf off its not your problem
man, karens... anyways the teachers here are volunteers soooo they really don't have to answer you. Geez...
Diffrence of essential clause and nonessential: Essential Clause is the info in the clause necessary to the understanding of the sentince while a Nonessential clause uses commas before and after nonessential clauses that interrupt a sentince without changing the essential meaning.

Examples: An example for essential clause: The bike that my dad built looked brand new. The example for nonessential clause: The garage, that was really old, had alot of boxes.

Relitive Pronouns: When you use relative pronouns you have to use them correctly: Who relates to people (subject); Whom relates to people (whom); Which relates to animals and objects; That relates to people, animals, and things; Whose refers to possession; Where refers to place; When refers to time; Why refers to reason; What relates to things.
Oh I forgot to change my name
also don't repost...honor code you know