The reaction Co(H2O)6^+2 + 4Cl- <==> CoCl^-2 + 6H2O is at equilibrium. The left side is pink and the right side is blue. 1. What would happen if you added AgNO3? Would nothing happen? Or would the Ag+ react with the Cl- and shift the reaction left? 2. What would happen if acetone was added? would the solution become blue or pink at the top and why?

2 answers

The A part is the latter; i.e., Ag^+ will combine with Cl^- to form AgCl which will shift the equilibrium to the left. Is the equilibrium you cite in acetone to begin with, in water, or in some other solvent?
To DrBob222 - it starts as an aqueous solution, with acetone then added.