The ratio of girls to boys is 2:1 and that there are 3 boys, what is the number of girls?

9 answers

2/1 = g/3

Cross multiply and solve for g.
ah come on Sunji. You know there are twice as many girls as boys!!!
The ratio of girls to boys is 2:1 and they are three boys, what is the number of girls? Answer A.0 B.1 c.10 D.6
Do you mean with these hints and ways of figuring it out, you still don't have the answer???
Nope im very bad in math
Ms.sue im sorry if this a bother i just need help no criticism thanks
Did you do the ratio?

2/1 = g/3

Cross multiply and solve for g.

What is the answer to Damon's question?
The point is that simply giving you the answer would not serve any purpose.

Ok, suppose you had $3.00 (or 3 boys),
and your friend had twice as much, (the ratio of 2 : 1) , how much would your friend have ??
What is twice three?
Do it with pennies or something on your desk.