The questions below are based on the 1:50 000 topographical map 3124 BB Noupoort as well

as the vertical photo of Noupoort as part of the mapped area. Various options are provided as
possible answers to the following questions. Underline the correct answer
.2 The two types of scale on the topographic map is a …
.3 The 3124 in the grid reference index indicates…
.4 The scale of 1:50 000 can be represented as the following word scale:
5 Taking the scale of the topographic map into consideration, the street block at G will be...
times larger on the ground.
.6 The vertical aerial photograph have the following advantages over the oblique photograph
.7 Study the vertical aerial photograph and identify the man made feature indicated as 1
.8 The vertical aerial photograph was taken at… hours
.9 The time the photograph was taken is…

1 answer

2 The two types of scale on the topographic map is a line scale and a word scale
3 The 3124 in the grid reference index indicates the map number
4 The scale of 1:50 000 can be represented as the following word scale: large scale
5 Taking the scale of the topographic map into consideration, the street block at G will be 500 times larger on the ground.
6 The vertical aerial photograph have the following advantages over the oblique photograph: they provide a true representation of ground features and are more accurate for mapping purposes
7 Study the vertical aerial photograph and identify the man made feature indicated as 1: a railway line
8 The vertical aerial photograph was taken at 12:00 hours
9 The time the photograph was taken is midday