I don't think the question is asking for a number; rather, I think the question just wants to know in what manner the mixture will change. So make a table of the elements you know are there along with their atomic/molecular masses. You know the higher molar masses/atomic masses will effuse slower and the lighter elements/moplecules will leak faster.N2 = 28
O2 = 32
Ar = about 40
CO2 = 44
He = 4
etc. Eventually, the mixture will become more concentrated in CO2 andc Ar and less concentrated in He, H2, etc.
The question reads, "A spaceship is found to have a tiny leak that allows the effusion of air into space. Air in the spaceship is a mixture of nitrogen (N2), oxygen (O2), argon (Ar), and trace amounts of other gases. Predict how the percentages of the gases in the air will change over time."
How can I predict how percentages of gases in the air will change over time? I assume it has to do with diffusion, but I'm not sure how to find exact percentages.
1 answer