The question is: the table below lists the total cost for parking for a period of time on the street in NYC. The total cost for any time up to and including the hours parked. For example, parking up to and including 1 hour would cost $1.25; for 3.5 hours parking would cost $5.75. Fill in the hours interval part for 1 through 6 hours.

hrs interval totalcost hrs parked
0<x<or equal to 1 $1.25 1
1<x< or equal 2 $2.50 2
2<x< or equal 3 $4.00 3
3<x< or equal 4 $5.75 4
4<x< or equal 5 $7.75 5
5<x< or equal 6 $10 6
now they want a STEP FUNCTION graph that represents the cost for the number of hours parked.

Since I can't draw a graph here I will say on the first one I had an open circle at 1.25 and the a straight line ending with a closed circle at 1. The second a open circle at 2.5 and a straight line with a closed circle at 2. and did this with all 6.
Does this seem correct?
Thank you for checking my work.

3 answers

You're mentioning the y coordinate for the first end and the x coordinate for the other end, so it's a little confusing.

There should be an open circle at (0,1.25), and a horizontal line from there to (1, 1.25), where we should see a closed circle.

Then an open circle at (1, 2.50), and a horizontal line from there to (2, 2.50), where we should see a closed circle.

yes, that's what I have. Thank you for checking my work!!
No worries.