The question is: The fact that the girls danced in the woods outrages Parris. I have to change "the fact that the girls danced in the woods" to a gerund phrase and I can't think of anything that sounds right. Thank You!

5 answers

A gerund needs to have an -ing ending on it. So you need to build something around "dancing" -- right? And since a gerund is a verbal noun, it can use adjectives and possessive forms of nouns to go with it. How does this work for you:

The girls' dancing in the woods outrages Parris.

In that sentence, the gerund phrase (underlined) is the subject; "outrages" is the verb; "Parris" is the direct obhect.

How about? "The girls dancing in the woods outrages Parris."

For more information about gerund phrases, check this site.
Thank you!
it is used as a subject
I am trying to wring this as a verb ?
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