the question is In 3–5 sentences, explain how writers directly quote text from another source. Use details to explain your answer. I put Writers directly quote text from another source which is called a quotation, and they quote the paragraph and add the authors name so they don't plagiarize. but its not long enough, what should i add
29 answers
Pleas help I need answer
Sounds great so far! id say maybe add something along the lines of "at the end they put a biblioagraphy (im so sorry idk how to spell it) so people know where the souces come from." Hope i halped!
im coming w full answrs soon! btw halped was a typo its helped :) i would put what i wrote in here but just in case my teacher puts it into check my work i dont wanna get cought plagarizing by me! :')
plzz help meee
Is that Hu Tao I see?! As in genshin Hu Tao?!
What’s all the answers??
First the writer selects the text they want to quote. They use quotation marks, ", to encase the text like this "Cats are very intelligent felines". After this, they put the source in their bibliography along with the name of the author and they have successfully quoted a text. This is what I have, just change it around so that it does not look like you have the exact same answer as me.
thanks kitty cat
Anyone have all the answers to questions?
I have all the answers
Can you share them please *puppy dog eyes* 😊
thanks um ya
ya i dont think were gonnna get ir </3
You guys need a life .p. you have parents/grandparents to help you! Or just ask you teachers for help. .-.
@I know all the anwswers LOL first you dont know how to spell anwswers really and shut yo sgiggily diddgly looking self up i know you've cheated befor you trash stupid chicken bone garbage can self up
Thank you @Kitty Cat, I liked how you explained it and gave an example. :)
mina mina mina
@stan twice OMG i really love twice they r the best
do u know skz???
do u know skz???
I'll give answers after i'm done.
gee thanks for the answers guys :I
Can someone give me the answers 😍
How can explaining a source's information in your own words help your audience to understand your topic? Use details to support your answer. Write 1-2 sentences. just change the words easy answer i copied the dude up there stop asking for answers stinky cheaters
@breadboy is speaking clear FACTS
Bread *boi* I meant
@eddy shut it, we all know why your here.