A. The narrator is using a simile that compares Ashley to a sneaky cat to describe how brazen Savannah's little sister is.
The Purloined Locket
Savannah removed the locket from her neck and placed it in the China dish on her dresser, pulling it even closer to the edge. Tonight she would catch her little sister in the act and prove once and for all that the little brat had indeed been purloining the coveted locket. Three nights in a row Ashley had whined to Savannah about borrowing the new treasure. Three nights in a row Savannah had responded with an emphatic "no," and three mornings in row she had awakened to find the locket missing. Of course, Ashley denied her crime and being the clever and sneaky thief she was, had hidden the locket in various places of the house to avert suspicion. But Ashley's treachery would all end tonight when a light would shine and expose her sister's delinquency. Savannah smiled and turned her flashlight on and off to check the batteries then crawled into her bed. Black Pearl rubbed against her leg before jumping onto the end of the bed, a motor purring in her soft throat.
An hour later Savannah heard Ashley at her dresser, rummaging around until she found the China dish. Savannah could not believe this girl's impudence. She was a stealthy feline boldly dangling a poor little rodent stolen from its warm nest. Savannah sprang from the bed, shining her flashlight, and yelled, "I got you!" Black Pearl froze, a gold chain dangling from her mouth. Ashley appeared at the door, her baseball bat in hand ready to defend her sister. In the uncomfortable silence, Black Pearl jumped from the dresser and scooted out the door between the sisters.
"I told you it wasn't me," Ashley said as she went back to her bed.
Savannah tracked down her cat and took back the locket. She placed it on Ashley's dresser next to her earrings before turning to her own room.
What does the narrator mean by, "She was a stealthy feline boldly dangling a poor little rodent stolen from its warm nest."?
The narrator is using a simile that compares Ashley to a sneaky cat to describe how brazen Savannah's little sister is.
The narrator is making a connection between rodents that steal and the cats who catch them.
The narrator is reminding the reader about rodents, who are known for stealing things and being bold.
The narrator is speaking metaphorically to describe how bold Savannah thinks her little sister is by taking the locket.
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