The Pulley
George Herbert
When God at first made man,
Having a glass of blessings standing by,
Let us (said He) pour on him all we can:
Let the world’s riches, which dispersed lie,
Contract into a span.
So strength first made a way;
Then beauty flowed, then wisdom, honour, pleasure:
When almost all was out, God made a stay,
Perceiving that alone of all His treasure
Rest in the bottom lay.
For if I should (said He)
Bestow this jewel also on my creature,
He would adore My gifts instead of Me,
And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature:
So both should losers be.
Yet let him keep the rest,
But keep them with repining restlessness:
Let him be rich and weary, that, at least,
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
May toss him to My breast.
i wrote an introductory paragraph.i have to have clear thesis. do i have clear thesis? what should i write?
The Pulley
In the metaphysical poem The Pulley by George Herbert, the author takes us back to the beginning of the mankind. He writes about creation of a man. God created a man giving him strength, beauty, wisdom honour and pleasure from the glass of blessings. After giving him world's riches he makes a stop. He is aware that if he gives the man everything, man will adore God's gifts instead of God himself. The author does not reveal what is the last thing in the glass. Is this last thing something bad? Like in Pandora box when hope came together with all those bad qualities.
This sounds good.... Put quotation marks around "The Pulley" . Leave out He writes about creation of a man...
Put a comma after "a man, giving" . The "he" and the "him" in After giving him the world's riches, he makes a stop." are not clear as to reference. Capitalize He when you are referring to God. and.... in your last sentence you do not have a subject and verb.
You have not posed a thesis... a purpose that you want to explore or an idea you want to support.
i have redone my introductory paragraph.
should i now analyze stanzas?verse by verse? should i analyze first then quote or the other way?
Just a note: Rest is the treasure God withholds. So Man is without rest, then it leads that he is restless. Ever see a restless kid around a pulley not start to pull on it? The other end comes up towards God. So seeking the last treasure, Rest, we pull on the pulley and end up getting to got to the God of Nature to get rest.
Doesn't the poem say this? We don't have Rest, but we have restlessness...
Yet let him keep the rest,
But keep them with repining restlessness:
Let him be rich and weary, that, at least,
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
May toss him to My breast.
I didn't see a thesis statement in your paragraph either. Your thesis needs to be stated as a hypothesis, a hypothesis you intend to prove.
Thank You.This explanation helped.I understand the poem much better.
Can You just give me a clue how to choose a good thesis?
Do some thinking on scrap paper first. Find 3 main ideas you want to use to prove/support your thesis... find quotes from the poem that support these ideas. THEN organize them from least important to most important.
NOW start to write your next paragraph... First sentence...topic sentence... then, support with quotes from the poem..... then tell how these quotes support your thesis.
some help with analyzing this stanza?an dshould i also write about rhyme and rhythm is interesting here all stanzas look the same..does it tell us something?
For if I should (said He)
Bestow this jewel also on my creature,
He would adore My gifts instead of Me,
And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature:
So both should losers be.
God is saying: If I give the final gift of (Rest, my belief, others see it differently), then man will will love his gifts with all his heart, but not love nor seek me. He will attain his rest in nature on Earth, not in me. In that case, both Man and I (God) will be losers.
i have analyze this it ok?do i have to change or add something?
The Pulley
In the metaphysical poem The Pulley by George Herbert, the author takes us back to the beginning of the mankind. God created a man, giving him strength, beauty, wisdom honour and pleasure from the glass of blessings. After giving the man world's riches, God makes a stop. He is aware that if He gives the man everything, man will adore God's gifts instead of God himself. What is the last thing in a glass of blessings? Without the gift of rest man and God would not have reached the relationship which has been most positive. The last thing must be another positive property because when God made a stop, He did not want to give a man his last treasure in order to show him that life cannot be perfect and to prevent a man from being arrogant.
God created a man and gave him almost all treasures a man need to have for a good and peaceful life.
“Let us (said He) pour on him all we can:
Let the world’s riches, which dispersed lie,
Contract into a span.
So strength first made a way;
Then beauty flowed, then wisdom, honour, pleasure” (The Pulley 3-7)
One thing was God to precious to give away so easily. This treasure is precious like a jewel and if God gave the final treasure then man will love his gifts with his heart, and not love and seek God. Man will have his rest in the nature of Earth and so a Man and God will both be losers
“For if I should (said He)
Bestow this jewel also on my creature,
He would adore My gifts instead of Me
And rest in Nature, not the God of Nature:
So both should losers be.”(The Pulley 11-15)
Rest is the treasure God wants to keep away from the man. So Man is without rest, but he is restless. Like a restless kid around a pulley starting to pull on it. The other end comes up towards God. So seeking the last treasure, Rest, we pull on the pulley and end up getting to the God of Nature to get rest. Man does not have Rest, but has restlessness.
“Yet let him keep the rest,
But keep them with repining restlessness” (The Pulley 16-17)
In the last three verses the author tells us that some people will be happy and some not. Everyone in the end returns to God and his treasures. Some people will return in goodness and some will be sad but the conclusion is that God wants us to respect him for creating us and not praise his treasures.
“Let him be rich and weary, that, at least,
If goodness lead him not, yet weariness
May toss him to My breast.” (The Pulley 18-20)
I think it is good, however, my training tells my you need to have a final summary (Coda); if nothing else restate succinctly what you said about the thesis. There is no rest for the weary on Earth.
Good work.
Thank You very much.I have finished now I hope so.In my country is already 11 p.m. But it was worth it:)
I'll probably need some help next week also:)
3 answers