The program below will ask the user to enter two integers. It then displays the results of the basic mathematical operations using both numbers. The program works great when the user enters two integers. However, if the user enters a decimal number or any other text, it will throw an exception.
Add a try block to protect the risky operations. Don't forget to add indentation where needed so risky statements are inside the try block.
Add a except block that will run when an exception happens. Inside that block, print the message "Please try again with integers."
When an exception happens, none of the mathematical operations or existing print() statements should run. The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.
Enter an integer: 2
Enter another integer: 4
2 + 4 is: 6
2 - 4 is: -2
2 * 4 is: 8
2 / 4 is: 0.5
2 MOD 4 is: 2
Enter an integer: 2.0
Please try again with integers.
Enter an integer: 2
Enter another integer: four
Please try again with integers.
num1 = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter another integer: "))
print(num1, "+", num2, "is: ", num1 + num2)
print(num1, "-", num2, "is: ", num1 - num2)
print(num1, "*", num2, "is: ", num1 * num2)
print(num1, "/", num2, "is: ", num1 / num2)
print(num1, "MOD", num2, "is: ", num1 % num2)
1 answer
num1 = int(input("Enter an integer: "))
num2 = int(input("Enter another integer: "))
print(num1, "+", num2, "is: ", num1 + num2)
print(num1, "-", num2, "is: ", num1 - num2)
print(num1, "*", num2, "is: ", num1 * num2)
print(num1, "/", num2, "is: ", num1 / num2)
print(num1, "MOD", num2, "is: ", num1 % num2)
print("Please try again with integers.")