The program below should repeatedly take a user's food order and echo the message "Yum, I love X", where X is the input food. The program should end with "Thanks for ordering!" when the user enters "done".
The user input and output statements have been written for you. Add a "while" loop to make the program behave as expected. The statements that should belong inside the "while" loop body are not indented - you will need to change their indentation so they are part of the loop body.
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.
Type "done" when finished ordering
What would you like to eat? salad
Yum, I love salad
What else would you like to eat? done
Thanks for ordering!
Type "done" when finished ordering
What would you like to eat? pizza
Yum, I love pizza
What else would you like to eat? breadsticks
Yum, I love breadsticks
What else would you like to eat? coke
Yum, I love coke
What else would you like to eat? done
Thanks for ordering!
Type "done" when finished ordering
What would you like to eat? done
Thanks for ordering!
print("Type \"done\" when finished ordering")
food = input("What would you like to eat? ")
# add while loop here
print("Yum, I love", food)
food = input("What else would you like to eat? ")
print("Thanks for ordering!")
1 answer
food = input("What would you like to eat? ")
# add while loop here
while food != "done":
print("Yum, I love", food)
food = input("What else would you like to eat? ")
print("Thanks for ordering!")