faveThing = input("What is your favorite thing? ")
faveThing2 = input("What is your second favorite thing? ")
print("I also love", faveThing, ":D")
print("I hope you have a great day full of", faveThing, "and", faveThing2, "!")
The program below should ask the user for their two favorite things and print them in messages. The print() statements are completed for you. Take the following steps to finish the program.
Initialize a variable named faveThing and store the first value a user enters using the input() method.
Initialize a variable named faveThing2 and store the second value a user enters using another call to the input() method.
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.
What is your favorite thing? cats
What is your second favorite thing? cheese
I also love cats :D
I hope you have a great day full of cats and cheese!
What is your favorite thing? programming
What is your second favorite thing? reading
I also love programming :D
I hope you have a great day full of programming and reading!
Note that the automated test cases will provide different input values than the examples demonstrated above.
5 answers
faveThing = input("What is your favorite thing? ")
faveThing2 = input("What is your second favorite thing? ")
print("I also love", faveThing, ":D")
print("I hope you have a great day full of", + faveThing, "and", faveThing2 + "!")
faveThing2 = input("What is your second favorite thing? ")
print("I also love", faveThing, ":D")
print("I hope you have a great day full of", + faveThing, "and", faveThing2 + "!")
There is a slight syntax error in the second print statement. The '+' sign before faveThing in the first part of the statement should be removed, and the '+' sign after faveThing2 should be removed as well.
Here is the corrected code:
faveThing = input("What is your favorite thing? ")
faveThing2 = input("What is your second favorite thing? ")
print("I also love", faveThing, ":D")
print("I hope you have a great day full of", faveThing, "and", faveThing2, "!")
This will give you the desired output.
Here is the corrected code:
faveThing = input("What is your favorite thing? ")
faveThing2 = input("What is your second favorite thing? ")
print("I also love", faveThing, ":D")
print("I hope you have a great day full of", faveThing, "and", faveThing2, "!")
This will give you the desired output.
The program below asks the user for 3 input values (name, age, place). You will add a str.format() call to build a message with the input values.
Use str.format() to build a string with this pattern:
"My name is [name] and I am [age] years old. I am from [place].", where [name], [age], and [place] are values from the input variables.
Use print() to display the result to the screen.
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.
What is your name? Jose
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Miami
My name is Jose and I am 18 years old. I am from Miami.
What is your name? Jill
How old are you? 15
Where are you from? Atlanta
My name is Jill and I am 15 years old. I am from Atlanta.
Use str.format() to build a string with this pattern:
"My name is [name] and I am [age] years old. I am from [place].", where [name], [age], and [place] are values from the input variables.
Use print() to display the result to the screen.
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.
What is your name? Jose
How old are you? 18
Where are you from? Miami
My name is Jose and I am 18 years old. I am from Miami.
What is your name? Jill
How old are you? 15
Where are you from? Atlanta
My name is Jill and I am 15 years old. I am from Atlanta.
name = input("What is your name? ")
age = input("How old are you? ")
place = input("Where are you from? ")
message = "My name is {} and I am {} years old. I am from {}.".format(name, age, place)
age = input("How old are you? ")
place = input("Where are you from? ")
message = "My name is {} and I am {} years old. I am from {}.".format(name, age, place)