The program below initializes a list of goblins. You must add code to print two random elements from the list using the random.choice() function. To get consistent, testable results, the user will enter a seed value, and you must use the random.seed() function first and initialize the random number generator with the user's entered value.
Call random.seed() with the seedValue
Display a random element from the goblins list as demonstrated below.
Display another random element from the goblins list as demonstrated below.
You can declare any local variables you like (if needed) to help finish your program. Parts of the print() statements are provided for you, but they are not complete.
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.
Enter integer seed: 1
Random list element: Gibblet
Random list element: Yellow Daisy
Enter integer seed: 2
Random list element: Snarl
Random list element: Snarl
Enter integer seed: 1000
Random list element: Imp
Random list element: Snarl
As always, the test cases may use different seed values that the ones demonstrated above.
import random
goblins = ["Snarl","Gibblet","Fang","Imp","Yellow Daisy"]
seedValue = int(input("Enter integer seed: "))
# student code here
print("Random list element:",
print("Random list element:",
1 answer
goblins = ["Snarl","Gibblet","Fang","Imp","Yellow Daisy"]
seedValue = int(input("Enter integer seed: "))
print("Random list element:", random.choice(goblins))
print("Random list element:", random.choice(goblins))