The program below asks the user to enter their grade (0-100) and whether or not they are finished with their homework (Yes/No, converted to a homeworkFinished Boolean value). Write an if / elif / else series of statements where shown by the comments that use logical operators as follows.
If the user’s grade is greater than or equal to 90, and homeworkFinished is True, display the message, "You can get ice cream!"
Else if the user’s grade is greater than or equal to 90, or homeworkFinished is True, display the message, "You can take a break."
Else display the message "Keep working."
The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.
What is your grade? 100
Are you finished with your homework? No
You can take a break
What is your grade? 92
Are you finished with your homework? Yes
You get ice cream!
What is your grade? 77
Are you finished with your homework? No
Keep working
grade = int(input("What is your grade (0-100)? "))
homeworkFinished = False
if input("Are you finished with your homework (Yes/No)? ") == "Yes":
homeworkFinished = True
# write an if condition using "and"
print("You get ice cream!")
# write an elif condition using "or"
print("You can take a break")
print("Keep working")
1 answer
homeworkFinished = False
if input("Are you finished with your homework (Yes/No)? ") == "Yes":
homeworkFinished = True
# write an if condition using "and"
if grade >= 90 and homeworkFinished == True:
print("You get ice cream!")
# write an elif condition using "or"
elif grade >= 90 or homeworkFinished == True:
print("You can take a break")
print("Keep working")