The program below asks the user to enter a phrase as a string. It should then print out that same string, replacing any lowercase vowel letter (a, e, i, o, u) with a capital X.

The following examples demonstrate the expected program output.

Enter a phrase: abacadabra
Enter a phrase: the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs
thX qXXck brXwn fXx jXmpXd XvXr thX lXzy dXgs
The program does not work correctly. Without making any other changes, add either a continue or break statement in the right spot to produce the expected output.

1 answer

Here's the revised code with the added break statement to produce the expected output:

phrase = input("Enter a phrase: ")
result = ''

for letter in phrase:
if letter in 'aeiou':
result += 'X'
result += letter



The issue with the original code is that it does not properly replace all lowercase vowels with capital X. It only replaces the first lowercase vowel it encounters and then continues adding the remaining letters as is. By adding a break statement after replacing the first lowercase vowel, we ensure that only one vowel is replaced at a time before moving on to the next letter in the phrase.