The easiest way is to memorize standard pressure in many different units.
1 atm
Now, you use these as conversion units.
550mmHg in atm..
550mmHg*1atm/760mmHg= 550/760 atm
550mmHg in lb/in^2...
550mmHg*14.7lb/in^2 /760mmHg
=550*14.7/760 lb/in^2
The pressure of gas is measured at 550 mm Hg. Calculate the pressure in
a. Torr
b. lb/in2
c. atm
d. in Hg
How do I set up these conversions to get the [prper calcu;ations...step by step?
This is the 3rd time zzzzzzzIve posted this question and I need to know how to get the answers!
1 answer