The population of town A increases from 1,346 to 1,500. In the same period, the population of town B increases from 1,546 to 1,800.

a. Find the percent of increase in population for town A and for town B.
b. Which town had the greater percent of increase?

My answer
town A. 1,346*11.5%=154

town b 1,546*16.5%=255

town b had the greater percent of increase.

Am I right?

9 answers

What are the percents of increase?
town A 11.5%
town B 16.5%
I got 11.4% and 16.4%. Yes. B had the greater percent of increase.
but 1,346*11.5%=154 and 1,346+154=1,500
Where did you get 11.5% to start with?
100(1500 - 1346)/1346 = 11.4$
I just started using numbers and it worked. Wouldn't my way work too?
Did you mean 11.4% or 11.4$?
Ooops -- typo

You should learn to solve these problems the right way. Not all solutions can be successfully guessed.