The play is The Straw by Eugene O' Neil (scene 1-45)

1. Part B Which line of dialogue is the best evidence for the answer to Part A?

A. No, your kind never realizes things till the crash comes...

B. A majority of the most influential men of this city are behind the Society.

C. That's where the show pinches, eh?

D. Well, perhaps I can get the Society to pay half for your daughter...***

68 answers

Right, D.
Thank you!
You're welcome.
Who has the answer for the whole test
I wish I did.. I need it
Yeah when someone gets them, put them up here asap. Thanks!
Dialogue and discovery unit test

1) B and d
2) D
3) C and D
4) essay
5) C
6) B
7) D
8) B
9) D
10) B
11) D
12) C
13) D
14) A
15) A

I couldn't find the whole test, so i'm hoping this will help.
Duck is right!!!!! i got 100%
duck is correct i got a 100 using the answers
Thank you sooooo muchhhhhhhh Duckkkkk
4 essay here you go

Fix it and change it around so teach cant recognize

The Straw by Eugene O'Neill scene set in an industrial town in the start of the 1910s. Curtains open and lights dim on slowly. Bill Carmody, widower, is in the waiting room of Dr. nor. Office is a clean color and cool temperature. Dr. nor is almost done examining Carmody's daughter Eileen. Carmody called the doctor earlier when Eileen collapsed from exhaustion.

My revision has irony because in the last sentence I tried to used words that I would not normally use exhaustion and words like collapsed. I also tried to create a visual of the doctors office.
8 Is actually C xD They changed some things around I think

So, here are the answers:

1) B and d
2) D
3) C and D
4) essay
5) C
6) B
7) D
8) C
9) C
10) B
11) B
12) C
13) D
14) A
15) D

Just a helping tip so you'll get a more than just a 12/16.... Smh. :)
wow ok so IDK if they have different tests for all of us but I got an ok score I guess 8/16 not including essay so ya but if it helps I'll give what I found right along with a quick summary of the questions ok so
1) B and D it's the two-part after "the straw"
2) C which of Carmody's
3) C oh shoot it's the one after the second reading of 'The Straw" and D
4) essay, I used Your Welcome for this he seems to have a good handle on that (BTW if you're reading this Your Welcome Thanks so much I suck at that type of stuff lol)
5) C In selection one
6) B which statement from the text
7) A mimic and mock
8) C which detail is in the short story
9) A story similarity's
10) A propose correctly
11) D late last night
12) C girl crying
13) C mike was running
14) B watch a new movie
15) B her brother lives near the sea

Ok well I hope this helps a GL on your Test hope you do well even if you do cheat
Go dad
Dialogue and discovery unit test

1) B and d
2) D
3) C and D
4) essay
5) C
6) B
7) A
8) D
9) B
10) B
11) B
12) C
13) A
14) D
15) A
b and d
okay so i see we all have diff answers so imma help ya'll out.
Im going to put a part of the correct answer so just in case their switched around you can still get the right answer.

1.b-to get Carmodys daughter to the medical etc.
d-Well, perhaps
2. d- to wish to avoid facing his
3. C- the doctors threat that the society
D- a conflict betwenn his desire to keep things as
4.essay( there is help for that in this thread)
5.c-Joe was a legen admired
6.b- he uses his bare hands to stir boiling metal
7.a-at first they impressed
8.c-joe is described as an american
9.b-both make fools of themselves
10.a-I will propose a new budget
11.d- at the door
12.c- crying softly
13.c-running quickly, mike won the race
14.d-to visit
15.b-living near the sea makes her brother happy

rememebr that some questions change and some answers switch around. so take with a pinch of salt!
100% CORRECT!!
Who is right
Our pranksters are back!
none of these were correct, thanks for 6/16 lol.
all the responses saying duck is right were written within minutes of eachother and of duck posting it. Theyre obviously trying to trick you dont go with duck
Who is right?
Who has the correct answers??
Just do it... yourself -_-
They're all trying to scam us.
b d
c d
i used whoots answers and got 12/16 but these are the correct ones yw connexus students
I got a 10/16 Thx lol
Does anybody have the answers to the Straw, a play by Eugene O’Neill?
1. B & D
3. C & D
4. Essay
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. D.
15. N
1. B & D
3. C & D
4. Essay
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. D.
15. C
All these are correct I just took the test and all the other answers that were given are wrong
The Straw by Eugene O'Neill scene set in an industrial town in the start of the 1910s. Curtains open and lights dim on slowly. Bill Carmody, widower, is in the waiting room of Dr. nor. Office is a clean color and cool temperature. Dr. nor is almost done examining Carmody's daughter Eileen. Carmody called the doctor earlier when Eileen collapsed from exhaustion.

My revision has irony because in the last sentence I tried to used words that I would not normally use exhaustion and words like collapsed. I also tried to create a visual of the doctors office.
@juju is 100% correct don't listen TO ANY1 ELSE!
who is right like I came on here for the 6th question that's it..
I just want the right answers...I don't wanna fail. The teacher dislikes me anyway...I don't want a failing grade *^*

I just did the test and got myself a 14/16 these I just gave are the right answers...idk if they will be if you use them but these are right. And I'm extremely sorry if I gave you the wrong one.
1. B
1b. D
2. D
3. C
3b. D
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. C
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. D
Ok for everyone reading this and wondering the correct answer if you look and juju you will see we don’t even have all the same answer choices and questions so these might be the right answers for tests in the past but not right for all the questions.
k i made a sql database program to search through all the answers on jiskha so idk its some of these
1a. B
1b. D
2. B or D
3a. C
3b. D
4. a mystery :o
5. C
6. B
7. A or D
8. B or C or D
9. A or B or C or D
10. A or B or C
11. A or B or D
12. C
13. A or C or D
14. A or B or D
15. A or B or C or D
idk just choose the one that makes the most sense
1) B and d
2) D
3) C and D
4) essay
5) C
6) B
7) D
8) B
9) D
10) B
11) D
12) C
13) D
14) A
15) A
Unit 3: Dialogue and Discovery Lesson 18: Dialogue and Discovery Unit Test:
1.) Part A: B
Part B: D
2.) D
3.) Part A: C
Part B: D
4.) Essay
5.) C
6.) B
7.) A
8.) C
9.) C
10.) C
11.) B
12.) A
13.) C
14.) A
15.) B
Only use this to check your answers!
No name is correct! I just took the test and I used Nightcore's answers, which earned me a 13/16. Not saying they're wrong, but as of 2018 for Connexus students, they may be wrong.
No name gave me 11/16 but tbh i would go with it. its better then getting 0/16 I will post my answers just incase anyone else is in ACA ( AZ connections academy )

So what are the answers
Alright so obviously they've changed some answers and questions completely, so what you guys should do is put down a part (like half of the sentence of your answer) down next to your answer so that we can see if we're right and if by chance one of us has the same test.
The answers that I saw that were changed for me were 2, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, and 15, so if we can figure those out I think we should be good, because it's obvious that those are the answers that they're changing.
Just read the passages, it is not that hard and it takes less time then deciding who to trust. Come here to check your answers, not get them all figured out for you. Thats what I do:)
I got a 10/16 :(
It's ok though thx guys for trying to help
Unit 3 Lesson 18 Closed Book Test
1. Part A is B
Part B is D
2. C
3. Part A is C
Part B is D
4. essay question
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. C
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. B
I took this test today.
Thanks duck you just made me fail ELA
Everyone needs to calm their hard nipples. The answers change. The answers might be right for some but wrong for others. Everyone needs to chill out and work together. Instead of just posting ABCD post part of the answer for example A - (insert part of the answer here)
Ok so here's the deal guys. There are 2 subjects in CA that you have to be really careful in. One of them is LA the other is Math. In LA and Math, different people have different questions for unit tests; so, this means you cannot trust anyone's answers unless they post the every one of THEIR questions and are given an exact answer for each of THEIR questions. You can skim these and see which ones you have in common, but you cannot trust it blindly.

I wanted everyone to know that I finished 13/16 which is more than enough for me. Thanks for everything guys I would not have survived without you all. Thank you for the answers for when I was in trouble. Now I am officially done with connections academy and ready to enjoy my summer. Couldn't have done it without ya! :))))))))
Literally just took the test and got 9/16 lmao so here’s the real !@#$%^& for the first test on lesson 18: dialogue in discovery unit test

1. B- to get Carmodys daughter
D- we’ll, perhaps I can get
2. C
3. C- the doctors threat that the
D- a conflict between his fear
4. Essay (sorry)
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. A
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. D
15. D
I'll use ^ those answers up there to see if they are correct
62.5% of your answers were correct. Since I haven't posted a lying answer once, I'll be nice and give people who just want to pass, the right answers. (Believe me or not, I do not care)
Answers for Lesson 18: Dialogue and Discovery Unit Test
Language Arts 8 B Unit 3: Dialogue and Discovery
Correct as of 5/22/2018
a b
b d
2 d
a c
b d
4 essay
5 c
6 b
7 a
8 c
9 a
10 b
11 b
12 c
13 c
14 a
15 a
Sooo I took the test with and I got 100% so I'll help I won't put the letters because everyone's answers are different, so I'll put the question and answer. Hope this helps!

1. Part A, Which of the following answer choices best describes the doctor's goals in this scene?: to get Carmody's daughter the medical assistance she needs

Part B, Which line of dialogue is the best evidence for the answer to Part A?: Well, perhaps I can get the Society to pay half for your daughter...

2. In speech 23, after nor tells Carmody that they must send Eileen away, Carmody says, "Is it sendin' Eileen away to a hospital you'd be? (Exploding.) Then you'll not! You'll get that notion out of your head...quick. It's all nonsense you're stuffin' me with, and lies..." Which aspect of his motivation does this dialogue most clearly reveal in the context of this scene?: his wish to avoid facing his daughter's illness

3. Part A, In speech 29, the stage directions say that Carmody is "thoroughly frightened." What event in the plot has frightened him?: the doctor's threat that the Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis will take action against him

Part B: Which conflicting motives is Carmondy most likely to be struggling with when he delivers speech 29?: a conflict between his desire to keep things as they are and his realization that he cannot

4. Essay, can't help you much here, but dramatic irony is when you contradict yourself on purpose, and usually sarcastically. I saw this example somewhere: Someone is on the Titanic, and says, "This view is so beautiful I could just die!" It's ironic because this person really does die, or comes close to it.

5. In Selection 1, what does the author mean when he says Joe Magarac is a folk hero?: Joe was a legend admired for his superhuman strength.

6. Which statement from the text provides the best evidence to support the answer to the previous question?: "He uses his bare hands to stir boiling metal and then puts the warm steel between his fingers and forms it into steel rails for the railroad."

7. Why do people in the crowd mimic and mock the Man from Johnstown in Selection 2?: He acts as if he has won the contest, but he can't move the weight at all.

8. Which detail is in the play 'Joe Magarac and the Hunkietown Contest' that is not in the short story "Joe Magarac, Man of Steel"?: The Man from Johnstown grabs Mary and starts to take her away.

9. Which even occurs in both the play 'Joe Magarac and the Hunkietown Contest' and the short story "Joe Magarac, Man of Steel"?: Joe indicates that Mary should marry Pete.

10. The word 'absurd' has been borrowed from the Latin 'absurdus', meaning "stupid." In which sentence is the word 'absurd' used correctly?: He used the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework.

11. What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence? 'He stood beside the pool watching the children play water games.': beside the pool

12. What is the participial phrase in the sentence? 'Living in New York, he went to many fantastic Broadway plays.': Living in New York

13. 'The salesperson ignored Lisa. He was helping an older customer.' Which sentence best combines the two sentences using a participial phrase?: The salesperson, helping an older customer, ignored Lisa

14. What is the infinitive phrase in this sentence? 'If you were to watch a new movie, which one would you chose?: to watch a new movie

15. 'Her brother lives near the sea. It makes him happy.' Which sentence combines the two sentences using a gerund phrase?: Living near the sea makes her brother happy.

These are correct for connection California
Okay you all either just love playing tricks, or the questions are getting messed around, If you are like me, and you are behind probably gonna have to get !@#$%^&ing summer schooled, then here, NOOTNOOT gives you an 11/16 That's the one I used because it seemed to match my responses before, so It is better than a zero. But make your essay really big, if you look in the beginning a girl gives her essay out on there. Use it.
Ok this is up to date as of 5/30/2018

1. Part A-b
1. Part B-d
2. c-he resists sending his
3.Part A-c-the doctor's threat
3. Part B-d-a conflict between his desire
5.c-Joe was a legend
6.b-he uses his bare hands
7.a-He acts as if he has won
8.c-Joe is described as an
9.c-Joe indicates
10.a-i will propose
11.d-in the late
12.a-grabbing my
13.a-looking for her wallet
14.a-To revise your writing
15.a-Hiking the trail yesterday

15/15 Good luck on the essay.
*mic drop
1. A, D
2. D
3. C,D
4. Essay
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. B
As of right now these are the answers to Lesson 18 Language Arts 8 A Unit 3: Dialouge and Discovery
If you don't believe me that's your choice. I got a 9/16, all I can say, is that these are the answers.
Guys they may not be all right but take the time find the ones that match that are right then look up or do the other one by your self at least the will get you a good amount of right answers
Hi guys. I know some of you are looking for answers to cheat on your test. BUT you shouldn't cheat. I was looking for answers today and couldn't find any. So I took it myself and I got 15/16 correct by myself. So you should believe in yourself and try your best because you'll feel so much better when you do. I'm going to give you the answers but only use these for checking purposes only. Because this is what this site is about.

1. Part A - C
1. Part B - D
2. - D
3. Part A - C
3. Part B - D
4. This is the essay. Brainly can help guide you if you need help.
5. - C
6. - B
7. - A
8. - B
9. - A
10. - C
11. - B
12. - C
13. - C
14. - A
15. - D

Remember guys don't cheat, You won't get anywhere in life if you do.

1. Part A - C
1. Part B - D
2. - D
3. Part A - C
3. Part B - D
4. This is the essay. Brainly can help guide you if you need help.
5. - C
6. - B
7. - A
8. - B
9. - A
10. - C
11. - B
12. - C
13. - C
14. - A
15. - D
does anyone have an audio version of this I'm not good with reading
1) B and d
2) D
3) C and D
4) essay
5) C
6) B
7) A
8) D
9) C
10) C
11) D
12) C
13) D
14) D
15) B
What about the quiz ?
1) Part A, to get Carmody’s daughter The medical assistance she needs

Part B,Well perhaps I can get The society to pay half for your daughter...

2)His wish to avoid facing his daughters illness

3) part a , the doctors threat that the Society for the prevention of tuberculosis Will take action against him

Part B, a conflict between his desire to keep things as they are and his realization that he cannot

4) essay
5) Joe was a legend admired for his super human strength
6) he use his bare hands to stir boiling metal
7) he asked us if he won the contest
8)Joe is described as an American folk hero

9)Joe indicates that Mary should Marry Pete
10)My history teacher has no forteIn past events
11) practices three times
12) grabbing my lunch
13)Running quickly, Mike won the race
14) to revise your writing carefully
15)Hiking the trail yesterday it made Matt tired
plz just real answers