The important idea to include in a summary is:
• The platypus is a rare type of mammal that bears its young by laying eggs.
This captures a key aspect of the platypus's classification and uniqueness among mammals.
Its unusual hybrid of body parts makes it well-suited for its largely aquatic life. The platypus uses its webbed feet to paddle through water, and its tail serves as a kind of rudder for steering. While underwater, the platypus uses its bill to scoop up bits of food, such as insects and shellfish, from the water's bottom. The platypus also scoops up bits of gravel, which grind up the food, as the platypus is toothless. The platypus stores the food and gravel in its cheeks until it reaches the water's surface. Once the platypus surfaces, it consumes Its meal.
Which idea from the paragraph is important to include in a summary?
(1 point)
• The platypus collects food such as insects and shellfish.
• The platypus is a fascinating animal.
• The platypus is a rare type of mammal that bears its young by laying eggs.
• The platypus paddles through water.
5 answers
The important idea to include in a summary is:
• The platypus is a rare type of mammal that bears its young by laying eggs.
This captures a key aspect of the platypus's classification and uniqueness among mammals.
Summaries should always include:
• main idea and important details.
This ensures that the summary captures the central concept and the essential information without including personal opinions or extraneous details.
The sentence that should be included in a summary of the text is:
• John Fitch combined old methods of constructing boats with new technology to create the first steamboats.
This sentence captures the main idea and important details about Fitch’s contributions to the invention of the steamboat.