The planet mars has a mass of 6042e23 kg and a radius of 3038e6 m. how much would a 60 kg person weigh on Mars compared to their weight on Earth? How heavy he would feel he weighed in kg on Mars?

3 answers

The value of the acceleration of gravity "g" on Mars is
where the M and R are the mass and radius of Mars, which you have provided.

G is Newton's universal gravity constant.

Compare the Mars g to the g value on Earth, which is 9.8 m/s^2.

g is less on Mars. Weights on Mars will be reduced by the same factor.
6.042e23 kg and a radius of 3.038e6

Kg, mass, is the same everywhere.
weight in Newtons is m * local g

Fearth = m g = 9.81*60 = 588.6 Newtons = weight on earth

on Mars:
F = G 60 Mmars/Rmars^2
= 6.67*10^-11 * 60 * 6.042*10^23/(3.038^2*10^12)
= 262*10^0 = 262 N = weight on Mars
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